Sunset Cove

Municipal Reserve Leisure Craft Map

Qualifying Back Row Residents will receive a lease agreement for the 2019 Season in late May. Leases’s will be notified as to which location they have been assigned at that time. Please ensure that you return your signed agreement prior to installing any associated lift/dock structures.

Map link

Photos Wanted

We would like to post some photos of Sunset Cove from the 1960’s and 1970’s, especially any photos of the old road, original construction or views of Sunset Cove from the lake. Any photos of the original residents of Sunset Cove would also be neat. We thank those who have contributed todate.

Catch and Release Trap

Sunset Cove has purchased a “live” trap which will capture nuisance animals unhurt, so they may be removed from the resort and released elsewhere. This trap will accommodate large pests such as raccoons, squirrels, rabbits, porcupines, skunks, cats, etc.  

If you are in need of this device, please contact me. If the demand is high, we will purchase additional traps. Please keep children away from all captured animals, as most animals will bite if little fingers get too close.

You will be responsible for the removal of any trapped animals that you capture.

RV SunsetCove Council